Improve your brain health and memory, prevent dementia.
Apply the Bredesen Protocol®
Book a free consultation to find out how
I help people who refuse to accept that cognitive decline is an inevitable part of aging, to improve their brain health and memory, using natural approaches to address the root causes.
Start the process today to take your Cognoscopy and start the Re:CODE (or Pre:CODE) Protocol

What do we do?
Using a 5 step approach, you can improve your brain health and memory; look to the future with optimism:
1. First take a FREE on-line test to see how you compare to others your age and gender.
2. We'll ease you into a new way of eating by finding simple food swaps for what you already enjoy. You'll get to try some new flavours and textures along the way.
3. You will learn exactly what has happened specifically to you to impact your brain health (your cognoscopy).
4. There may be some supplements to take and/or we'll find workarounds to suit you, along with looking at manageable adjustments to how you're living your life right now.
5. We'll go through memory techniques and brain training together, to help you to focus, pay attention, learn and recall information more easily.
What is Functional Medicine?
Medicine is changing because disease is changing.
Illness is becoming more complex and chronic and is caused by lifestyle factors.
Chronic diseases are caused by imbalance in or between the body's systems.
Functional Medicine treats the whole person, looking for root causes (rather than treating symptoms) and finding balance.
As a Functional Medicine Health Coach, I will partner with you to find your best way to prioritise and implement lifestyle changes to take control of your health, improve your memory and even prevent cognitive decline and dementia.
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